ABOUT - LOVE+ community programme
From December 2022 until end of March 2023, the collective were running a series of free workshops with the members of the community and surroundings through this community programme called LOVE+. Participants from PERFORMANCE+ had the opportunity to learn how to act, dance and get ready to perform in front of an audience, while the other group of participants from DESIGN+ learnt how to design the lighting and sound as part of the live show.
All throughout this project we were working closely with the LGBTQ+ communities and Soho’s local businesses & residents. Together we co-create THE VILLAGE a multi-location immersive theatre piece in Soho & Chinatown. This project was a celebration of the diversity & tolerance of Soho’s local community & indie businesses with a narrative based on real voices and in real unique locations in the local area.
**OPEN CALLS POSTERS (November 2022): PERFORMANCE+ workshops & DESIGN+ labs - ALL AGES, BEGINNERS & IMPROVERS that identify within the LGBTQIA+ community. LOVE+ Community Immersive Theatre project in Soho, London
OPEN CALL to participate in a 3-month series of creative PERFORMANCE+ workshops COLLABORATE with a MULTIDISCIPLINARY team of creatives from theatre, dance, design & film to CREATE and PERFORM in a unique, SITE-SPECIFIC, IMMERSIVE SHOW that will open in late March 2023 across multiple locations in SOHO & CHINATOWN.
PERFORMANCE+ workshops offers participants an opportunity to co-create a theatre piece and a film with a diverse, intergenerational group and learn: acting + dance + improvisation + character building + creative writing ++++
Performance+ workshops will take place in a rehearsal space in Soho every Thursdays from 19:00 - 22:00.
These workshops are completely FREE of charge. Places are limited. To express your interest contact PRODUCTION@PERSONACOLLECTIVE.CO.UK
With a message answering these questions: name / age / preferred gender pronoun / phone number / address / a brief or description including: experience, hobbies, interests, curiosities, a bit about yourself, etc.
We warmly welcome people from all ages, experience, backgrounds, cultures and abilities including Black, Asian and minority ethnic/POC, refugees, D/deaf, disabled, neurodivergent, working class and/or LGBTQI+ to this space.
OPEN CALL to participate in a 3-month series of creative DESIGN+ Labs. COLLABORATE with a MULTIDISCIPLINARY team of creatives from theatre, dance, design & film to DESIGN lighting & sound in a unique, SITE-SPECIFIC, IMMERSIVE SHOW that will open in late March 2023 across multiple locations in SOHO & CHINATOWN.
DESIGN+ labs offers to people aged 18-24, an entry level opportunity to the lighting & sound design practices & to apply learnt skills to multiple types of spaces - galleries, unconventional, theatres. Design in response to a particular place e.g. a barbershop, a chapel. Language of light + soundtracks creation + use of tech & software + consultation + planning + design + execution of sound & light for the live show.
Design+ labs will take place in a rehearsal space in Soho every Tuesday from 19:00 - 22:00.
INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP: Tuesday 17th January 2023
GALLERY- LOVE+ community programme
Are.na mood-boards - Routes show- click boxes below to visit platform
Partners & Sponsors